Can Immerse accommodate religious requirements?

Yes, we welcome all faiths to our programmes.

Should you wish to visit a worship place during your stay with Immerse, please speak to your mentor. A staff member will accompany you to and from the religious centre that you would like to visit.
Similarly, the college catering teams can accommodate all religious dietary requirements. Your requirements will be collected following enrolment and shared with catering teams in advance of your arrival to the programme.
For shomré Shabbat participants, a staff member will remain available in college throughout the weekend as this is when we host excursion soff campus, travelling by coach.
Tokyo is a multi-cultural cities that welcome diversity, and participants should feel comfortable expressing their cultural identity during the programme. We do not tolerate any form of religious discrimination from staff or participants during the programme. Instances of discrimination will be subject to disciplinary procedures, which may include dismissal from the programme.