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Read about the experience of a scholarship winner

“When I won a scholarship for Immerse Education’s Summer Programme in Cambridge I was promised to meet people from around the globe, have an insight into what university life was like and what to expect in my future years studying the course I chose, Engineering. Yet, when I arrived, I experienced so much more. I made lifelong friends that I still frequently keep in touch with, my mind was broadened to new topics and concepts in my course material and interactions with a diverse group of passionate individuals, I discovered the myriad of activities offered by Cambridge, and it gave me a chance to expand my academic perspectives. I spent time with both the people in my engineering course where we had common interests in future careers as well as those who were placed in my mentor group, which was beneficial as I got to socialise with people who were enthusiastic about different subjects to me, such as law, international relations, enterprise and particularly medicine which I wouldn’t be able to do in Australia.

Entering the essay competition was extremely straightforward and worth the effort. I found writing the essay was not only the gateway to a once in a lifetime opportunity but a way for me to express my concerns and interests in the world around us. Immerse Education’s Summer Programme is a central meeting point for inspired, young, international students to meet. The programme can’t be substituted easily; hence I travelled halfway across the globe to get there! I believe entering the competition has been the best decision in my life so far and can’t recommend it enough.” 

– Amy S, 13-15-year-old category